Ray Zee Responds

Ray Zee, the author of High-Low Split Poker for Advanced Players, posted a brief response to my review of his book on the Two Plus Two forums:

“tnx for the review.

i do believe all players would greatly benefit from the book. advanced or intermediate the most of course. but if you are a decent player of other games your skills can be transfered quickly enough to split.
so even a novice at the game can benefit from the book right away if he is experienced in poker.

a complete novice i think should get his feet wet with limit holem or seven stud first then expand his horizons.

no harm in reading any book once thru and getting a feel for it and then coming back when you can get the greatest use of it. if you havent at least skimmed thru it you wont know when you are reeady to digest its value.”

I don’t really disagree with this. Beginning players could surely find value in the book, and it couldn’t hurt for them to know what’s out there when they’re ready for it. But I do think there are better resources for players new to split-pot games that cover important basics like O/8 starting hands in greater detail.