Great Strategy Posts

Sorry all, I know I’ve been a little light lately on posts and especially on strategy stuff. Truthfully I haven’t played much poker since the WSOP. This is due to some combination of having a lot of non-poker stuff to catch up on and also not feeling any pressure to put in hours now that I’m way ahead of pace to hit my monetary goal for the year. But if you’re looking for some great strategy reading, may I suggest Cole South’s (CTS) old blog?

His new blog, hosted at Cardrunners, is still decent, but there’s actually more strategy content in the old one. Of particular interest is an article he posted about 4-betting versus aggressive 3-betters. This is something that at least in the higher stakes games people have improved upon by now, but it’s a great example of how to identify and exploit a particular leak that you notice in your opponents’ play.

Thanks to Korako for bringing the old CTS blog to my attention.