Mason is Upset

Mason Malmuth, the owner of Two Plus Two Publishing, was none too happy with the reviews of the Harrington on Cash Series that I posted on the 2+2 Forums. His responses were split roughly 50/50 between substantive rebuttals of particular critiques I made and personal attacks regarding my motivations. Though he was condescending and rude throughout, I found this passage particularly insulting:

At dinner with Dan and Bill, we actually discussed these reviews a little bit. The main question they had was why would someone so completely mis-characterize what was in the books, and then explain why so much was wrong. My answer was that if you can be the one who shows how Dan Harrington (and Bill Robertie as well as Two Plus Two Publishing) got it all wrong, you will achieve instant credibility as a poker expert who should be listened to.

I gave myself as an example of someone who over a period of well over 20 years produced a body of work that was there for anyone to evaluate. But many of these new writers, due to the fact that the poker boom is now, don’t have 20 years (or more) to establish themselves. So they take this other path.

Given how long I have been contributing to the 2+2 forums and writing for 2+2 Internet Magazine, not to mention favorably reviewing other 2+2 books, this is both absurd and insulting. Technically my article for the May issue of the magazine is due on Friday, but at this point I’m not sure if I want to continue writing for them, nor if my submission would be welcome. At the moment, Mason has said he isn’t going to “bother” responding to my defense of the review, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he changes his mind on that. Or just bans me. Guess I’ll see what happens in the next day or two and then make a decision.

7 thoughts on “Mason is Upset”

  1. Wow. Your points about the book were all valid. It just shows how out of touch Mason and Harrington are with the current online games.

    Harrington admittedly plays very little online, so it would make sense that his books missed the mark. It’s really the publishers fault for letting their cash cow Harrington series miss so many aspects of the current online environment. With twoplustwo being such a huge online forum, where all the current game trends are being discussed at length, it’s such a shame that their top writer wouldn’t pay attention to what the target market is looking for.

    Nobody is to blame here but the Publisher and writers.

  2. I hope you continue to post on the magazine, assuming you’re still invited. Even if Mason is an immature and offisive dick, seems like the magazine has been a great way for you to promote your writing to a broader audience, and I imagine having to contribute regularly has been a useful self-motivational tool.


  3. It is unseemly for him to disparage your opinions in the manner that he does. There is nothing wrong with a healthy disagreement on a particular subject but he is attacking the person not the argument. If he disagrees, then he should address the points of disagreement rather than make unhelpful accusations.

  4. I enjoy reading your reviews & your blog, you obviously put a lot of thought into your writing. However, I’m not surprised that Malmuth was upset with your review, I remember when I read the review thinking something like this would happen. Your review was fairly unenthusiastic about the book, Mason is the book’s publisher; as he seems quite immature, his reaction is to circle the wagons & attack. The manner in which he attacked you is unprofessional but not unprecedented.
    However valid your arguments are (FWIW I haven’t read either HOC book yet but probably will), I’m sure Malmuth is reacting to what he sees as an attack on a 2+2 product, from a paid contributor to 2+2 magazine.

  5. Thanks for the support, guys. A mutual acquaintance is trying to mediate, but I can’t say I’m optimistic.

    I certainly have no problem with Mason defending the book- I expected that. The ridiculous assertions about my motivations and integrity are what upset me. I’m even convinced now that I may have incited that based on how strongly worded parts of the reviews were.

    I don’t want to say much more about the situation at the moment, because there’s still some, albeit slim, chance for reconciliation.

  6. Mason has been so paranoid and self-righteous lately – not to mention vicious and dishonest. Maybe he’s always been like this, I don’t know. But with all these bannings of Dan Druff, Gary Wise, etc., and this crap he’s giving you about your reviews, it’s just beyond belief.

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