Love and Poker

My stepfather found this in a published book of poetry. I really hope this was self-published, as I rejected better poems from my high school’s literary magazine (thinly veiled brag/beat). I swear to God I have reproduced every forced rhyme and arbitrary punctuation faithfully.

Love and Poker

Love is like a game of poker
If you don’t play it right, you could end up
with a “joker”!

You have to know “when to hold ’em”-
you have to know “when to fold ’em”
You have to play it with style and grace,
all other games you must erase.

Be sure to play it “close to the chest”
Too many chips you shouldn’t invest,
There are other “players” all around,
but it’s hard to tell when the right one
is found

When he’s reluctant – his intentions to place,
don’t be confused by his “poker face”
You can place your bet – once or twice,
even making a “raise” might be nice.
But when the “pot is getting heavy”
you have to judge if he is ready.

And when things are getting, really “hot”
You have to know when
– to “call in the chips” –
If you want to “WIN THE POT.”

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