Please be my friend

Yeah, a little sad that we have to ask directly, but Thinking Poker currently has a grand total of 19 friends on facebook, making us look bad in front of our close friends and family, who coincidentally, make up a good portion of that 19.

Please fan ThinkingPoker on Facebook so our friends and family don’t look at us so funny when we try to tell them how popular the site is.

To those of you who are already fans- thanks! Right now we haven’t been updating that page too much, but we’re thinking about doing a weekly update or so- how would you like us to use the facebook page? Do you appreciate updates, or do you usually keep up with the blog by making regular visits or following a feed?

12 thoughts on “Please be my friend”

  1. I check the feed and visit the blog everyday for new stuff, I am not as active on Facebook. I know it’s about social networking and interactivity. Aside from using it to post photos and links to things you’ve written, maybe you can post a weekly hand for discussion. Could probably even post it on the blog do for discussion on how to play/approach the situation in the comment section.

    Just a way to increase interactivity with readers.

    Also, what happened to your “hand reading made simple” article?

    • Thanks, we’re up to 27 now, that’s a little more respectable…

      You can also click on “Suggest friends” to send a link to people that might be interested. Be sure not to have it send a blanket invite to all your friends tho, you don’t want to be that guy.

  2. I follow the blog via google reader, which makes it easy to get updates and gets around my work’s web site filter as the full post is shown w/in the reader.

  3. I would, but unfortunately I’m not on facebook. Out of sheer stubbornness I sometimes refuse doing stuff that everyone does, stuff that I think is hyped too much etc… Pretty ridiculous and pointless I know:)

    Dannie’s idea of a weekly discussion hand would be cool.

  4. I’ve a Facebook account that I scarcely use. Would be happy to sign up as a Thinking Poker fan but don’t know how to do it.

  5. Thanks Emily for this post. Thank to you I have an opportunity to write something on this blog (I have nothing smart to write about poker so far) I just sign in FB also.
    Some general thought – I find it amazing that even if I have never meet Andrew I feel like I know him very well already.

    Grettings form Poland

    • Thanks for the kind words, Mario. It’s always very rewarding from me to hear about new readers. For what it’s worth, I am 25% Polish myself- my paternal grandfather was born to Polish immigrants. People often ask if I’m Greek, but I’m told my last name, Brokos, is a bastardization of Brokowski.

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