If You’re Looking for a Good Story

Sorry I’ve been a bit quiet of late, I’ve been doing plenty of writing but it’s mostly towards the book. It’s taken away from my playing time a bit as well, so not as many interesting hands of late. If you’re looking for something interesting to read, check out this story I discovered recently in the 2+2 archives. It’s nothing to do with poker, other than that the guy apparently becomes a poker player eventually, but it’s pretty cool and very well told:

But I was tempted. It was just two days. In and out. What the hell. We went in with two trucks. The special forces captain was this big, young, smiling Ugandan called Mututu. He loved the fact that he had two mazungu’s as buddies. He gave us each an AK47. I told him that I had no idea what to do with this thing. He told me that if we were shot at just put it up over the side of the truck and press the trigger. Right, sure, whatever you reckon. Colin had brought a crate of beer along with us. We crossed the border illegally and we were in a war.

FYI the story is posted in many parts so you’ll have to scroll through the thread to find the next installments, though it’s not hard to do.

2 thoughts on “If You’re Looking for a Good Story”

  1. Wow that’s really a good story. I’m about half way through and it’s really amazing cause the guy actually knows how to write as well.

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