WSOP Plans

Sorry for the long silence. It’s the same old story: too much fun in Europe, not enough time, and too many cheap vacation rentals without internet access. Hopefully I’ll have oodles of juicy WSOP content to bring you soon.

A few people have asked why I’m not not in Las Vegas now playing more of the series. In addition to the fact that Las Vegas is one of the last places I’d want to be in the summer, one of my best friends is getting married in Germany, and I’m his best man. He insisted on scheduling around the WSOP main event, but I couldn’t very well ask him to schedule around the whole series!

The wedding is today, and then I’ll be back in the US just in time to fly to Las Vegas for the main event. I get into town on July 6 and play Day 1B on July 8. If you’re going to be around and interested in meeting up, drop me a line at I don’t know how long I’m going to stay out there, so I don’t want to make any promises, but I always enjoy meeting up with blog readers when I can.

Hope to see you soon!

1 thought on “WSOP Plans”

  1. Sounds grand honestly. When you get into Vegas if you can drum up some juice cash game stories that would be awesome.

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