Questions for Jared Tendler?

Our interview with Jared Tendler is scheduled for Monday night, so please get us your questions for him. You can post them as comments here, send them to, or tweet them @ThinkingPoker. If you’re buying Mental Game of Poker 2, please support the show by using our affiliate link.

Sorry for the delay in the WYP results, should have them up tomorrow.

3 thoughts on “Questions for Jared Tendler?”

  1. Do not ask too general questions.
    Do not ask general question about intuition.
    he will give you this mambo-jumbo definition.
    Try squeeze him like lemon.LOL.
    Try to solve your own personal mental game problems with his help.
    I am sure you have plenty.
    Ask him more detailed questions.

    How differentiate intuition stream vs ego stream in context of poker?.

    I give you some context to this question.
    Both ego and intuition streams could be experience as a internal voice or stream of thoughts that results from the unconscious automatic processing systems.
    Because automatic processes are not open to inspection, when the end results of an automatic process appear in consciousness,I have no awareness of the process or entity that produced them.
    I am oblivious not only of the mental processes that produced them but often of the external stimuli to which I am responding as well.
    You could be even more specific with question.
    So I experience internal voice on the river “you should make all-in call with Ace high no kicker”.
    The final question is: Is this voice of my (titled?) ego or my intuition???.

    • Jared Tendler has my respect.
      My comments and questions are my best to get juice.

      You had some guests -poker players with some mental problems.
      A common believe is that a depression does not help in poker.
      Could depression improve your poker game?

  2. So to help get the best from Jared Tendler in the interview…

    I’d ask how do players know the difference in real time between “bad” auto-pilot(aka zoned out) and “good” auto-pilot (ala his interview way back with Dr. Giggy)?

    What should players do with the extra decision time available in live play (I’m not talking about between hand time)?

    I think Jared’s book has some super good stuff for online grinders that is hard to find anywhere else really.

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