Episode 82 Update

The latest Thinking Poker Podcast hasn’t been released yet. When it is, I’ll post an announcement here, but it will be available only from PokerNews.

We’d had trouble finding a guest, it was a busy week for me, and we were thinking we might just take the week off. Then suddenly Ari Engel came through for a last-minute interview on Sunday morning. He was a great guest, definitely nitcast-approved, and we’re looking forward to sharing it with you, but the upshot was that we didn’t get the audio files to our editor much in advance of the usual release time. So, all I can tell you at the moment is that it’ll be out when it’s out, and it’ll be worth waiting for!

Edit: Looks like this is going to have to wait until next week, sorry for the delay folks!

4 thoughts on “Episode 82 Update”

  1. Typical slackjob once the hometown kids go corporate.

    However, I am so looking forward to this interview. I’ll bet Carlos is either thrilled or frightened as he has a love/hate thing for Ari’s aggressive style.

  2. Sup Sean!

    I do love his aggressive style and want to know how I can do it too. He’s also on TPE’s Midstakes Living Podcast this week so I expect to learn something between the two of them.

    If I could have asked him a question, I’d want to know under what circumstances do you ever look down at 72o and decide to bet or raise? And how often does it come up?

    For me, I do this when my stack is short enough to shove into a tight player, but if it’s less than all in, I almost never open raise ATC literally , and NEVER 3-bet or 4-bet with it. I wonder if the uber aggressive players are doing these things with 72o in some spots.

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